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Park Property Management

October 25, 2016

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Amp Up Your Workout!

We love to see our residents use our building's fitness centres and have noticed that almost everyone is accompanying their exercise with tunes! We asked ourselves, why is music so instrumental (no pun intended!)…

Park Property Management

October 12, 2016

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After Thanksgiving, Comes Leftovers!

Chances are, you spent ample time in the kitchen over the Holiday weekend, preparing a delicious Autumn spread. Take it easy the remainder for the week by utilizing the time you've already spent by turning your l…

Park Property Management

September 26, 2016

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Fall Cleaning- A Must Do!

Many people only do a deep clean of their living spaces in the spring, however, thoroughly cleaning your apartment in the Fall is a great way to prepare for the colder seasons ahead. 

Park Property Management

September 7, 2016

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Cooking with Kids

Whether you celebrate Kids Run the Kitchen Day or not, it's a great excuse to introduce cooking to your littles! Encouraging kids to help with food preparation has many benefits

Park Property Management

August 16, 2016

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Back to School, Naturally!

It's really easy to get swept up in back to school season and buy all new school supplies for your kids each term, especially with so many retail sales. However, we at Park Property Management Inc. want to share …

Park Property Management

July 21, 2016

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Create A Summer Bucket List!

It can be hard for them to transition from the daily structure of school, to free time in the summer. A summer bucket list is a great way to infuse fun into the summer and offer structure in